We are the result of our food. It is not a new idea, I did not invent it, I just try to explain why and how, through my limited intellectual capabilities.
Animals we can divide into: domestic and wild. So I learned at school, and although there are many criteria, will go on them. Okay, let's analyze a little what we know.
Take 3 and 3 wild pets. Sheep, goat and cow are domestic. On the other hand we wolf, lion and tiger. Everyone has heard of these animals, all we know behavior. If sheep, goat and cow eat plant food, and are gentle, that we own them, on the other hand, wolf, lion and tiger are carnivorous and would not be good to have something to do with them, because they would they may become dinner.
What we see here? What is so relevant that even if I was only 4 classes all I guess? Food. Plant food = gentle, animal feed = violence.
And people can not be otherwise than animals. Although some education makes to suppress violence, however, it exists, hidden, latent, and in one day it will explode.
Kindness is kindness, or at least it should mean. Wrong not understand someone like that I would try to turn vegetarians into saints and sinners others in that some would be more people than others. But nothing we want to be better, eco, more superior, as long as we do not understand something simple: food. As long as killing animals for food we can not be called civilized, we can be called the finest people in the sense of the word.
Diet , also means health, and health laws were not aware of, or do not they care about us, we will get rid of problems. But when it comes to health humanity goes second, because what's to be healthy if you do not know how to live cannon?
And another thing. Many people mistakenly under the impression that if you do not eat meat have power. WRONG! Bull, elephant, bear, are vegetarians and are strong.
15 Responses to become what we eat
Yulia Andreea Toma says:
31/08/2011 at 6:53 p.m.Hmmm ... does not look like such an association had done so far ... and they say we have more than 4 classes, but I do not wacky idea before.)))
Replyderscanu says:
31/08/2011 at 7:02 p.m.My brother cautions that my dog is home. That's right, but it is not vegetarian.Reply
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Cristian says:
01/09/2011 at 10:51Since it bears a vegetarian? Perhaps the more omnivorous.
I do not like killing animals, but it's necessary. Just as the wolf, lion and tiger need meat, just needs the man. It's simply the nature of things.Replyderscanu says:
01/09/2011 at 16:54Yes, finally, it is irrelevant if the bear is vegetarian or omnivore, I wanted to emphasize an idea.
Slaughter this is not necessary. Thanks man can live well without meat, and that does not mean just me, but thousands of dedicated professionals.Reply
TV Commercials says:
01/09/2011 at 12:26I find it very difficult to give up meat.Replyderscanu says:
01/09/2011 at 4:51 p.m.Nothing is easy.Reply
Daimon says:
01/09/2011 at 12:26Also a blog articles are strictly the opinion of their writing, so ... draw your conclusion you! Found nothing geniuses who find faults an article or another.
Shoot me as usual conclusion that what is posted on a blog posted for discussion and not for propaganda. You do not have to be a genius to have a different opinion of who writes. And since not all opinions are born equal ... here's debate.
Take 3 and 3 wild pets. Sheep, goat and cow are domestic. On the other hand we wolf, lion and tiger.
You got 3 examples that you have agreed to you and you build their argument around. In English this thing called "biased argument" and punished by his nullification.
Examples are not representative, so in fact illustrated by the example of the dog.Replyderscanu says:
01/09/2011 at 17:01Unfortunately I am not a genius. I just wanted to expose a personal opinion, in my own way. I do not claim to be and the letter of the law.
Perhaps the examples are not the best, but fine idea count, I think.
Normally I would not object to constructive criticism, but when the writer about me as I have no idea what they say, and he does not make the difference between intelligence and general culture, is different.Reply
Friv says:
01/09/2011 at 2:14 p.m.Off topic ... topic change every day? I like that.Replyderscanu says:
01/09/2011 at 16:50I'm tired and I could still exchange WordPress template, I think if I get some free time I get to teach myself how to do one, and then you make one that I like from all points of view.Reply
'Mnealui says:
01/09/2011 at 16:09It's not, much of what we think, pass through the stomach but no matter how I say us, before it's even a bit of meat on the plate, if not filled. I look eg wife made some excellent vegetable stew. I ate an hour later, I was hungry again.Replyderscanu says:
01/09/2011 at 16:48I think she's guilty habit. I have more than a month since I gave up meat, and I can say that I have days when all I eat if I'm not tired. Also the smell of steak is still a temptation. But time will change this phenomenon.Reply
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Noni says:
22/09/2011 at 1:16 p.m.I agree with what you say, after all what is food? A sequence of atoms after a certain algorithm containing some information, that information for ourselves when we eat, the more we eat more than one type of food such as pork gained from animal qualities that we look at it and DNA energy level
I do not like killing animals, but it's necessary. Just as the wolf, lion and tiger need meat, just needs the man. It's simply the nature of things.
Slaughter this is not necessary. Thanks man can live well without meat, and that does not mean just me, but thousands of dedicated professionals.
You got 3 examples that you have agreed to you and you build their argument around. In English this thing called "biased argument" and punished by his nullification.
Examples are not representative, so in fact illustrated by the example of the dog.
Perhaps the examples are not the best, but fine idea count, I think.
Normally I would not object to constructive criticism, but when the writer about me as I have no idea what they say, and he does not make the difference between intelligence and general culture, is different.